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A Boarding School for Girls in 7-12th

The Full Story

"Sanctify in Truth"

The Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas are devoted to providing the youth with a true Catholic education of the highest academic excellence. This is the great need of today when families have difficulty finding Catholic schools that offer an excellent education. Parents are not able to utilize many educational institutions because of the anti-Catholic environment so toxic to the formation of the youth. Every Catholic child should have the opportunity of achieving academic excellence in a rich Catholic environment. By providing this opportunity, we are equipping the future of the Church with the necessary tools to carry on her mission of the Faith. Our first day-school in Brooksville, Florida, founded in 2003 has led the way in this mission.

Why Boarding School?

The Boarding School has a culture that stimulates and inspires. Seven days a week, it sets out to complete the development of each girl. Through a structured schedule of classes, recreation, supervision, good example, and prayer the boarding school undertakes all the facets of her education, namely, her physical, intellectual, moral and religious instruction. This education favors the complete development of the gifts which God has bestowed on her by habituating her to act only through motives of reason and faith; to excite, protect, and direct the expansion of her faculties, until when left to her own initiative, she can conduct herself in accordance with the prescriptions of duty and the maxims of the highest principles.


In times past, monasteries were the center of education.The education or “finishing” of young Catholic girls was entrusted to convents. Most especially for Grades 9-12, young ladies often completed their education in a boarding school where religious Sisters would see to their complete formation. St. Teresa of Avila was sent to boarding school by her father at the age of 15. She lived in a devout Catholic household, but her father saw that she was becoming too worldly and that her piety was fast being replaced by a vanity and frivolity so common in the youth. St. Teresa attests that this decision began her journey towards sanctity and recognizing her religious vocation.


As our youth mature, the need to place them in a Catholic educational environment becomes increasingly necessary. This is all the more true in today’s Catholic household where the mother too frequently cannot provide the rigorous formation so necessary during the teenage years in order to form mature adults. Homes today must often be supported by two working parents, leaving the children to their own devices in the work of formation. Or mothers with many younger children are unable to give attention to the formation of the older children. In the United States, boarding schools were depended on for Catholic formation since the 18th century.


Since 2005, the Sisters have received many requests to accept students to board while attending the day-school. As our numbers grow, we plan to open a girls boarding school that will provide the Catholic culture and education needed today.

Beautiful Landscape

In order to achieve our goals, we are looking to expand to include the following:

    •    At least 30+ acres of land in a relatively secluded location.

    •    Dormitory for the girls.

    •    A gym and playing fields.

    •    Classrooms and a Great Hall where the girls can eat, study, and work.

    •    A Library full of beautiful and inspiring books.

    •    A Conservatory for music and the arts.


Estimated Fees

$11,800 for Room & Board

$7,700 for Tuition and School Fees

Financial Aid will be available to families in need.



To ascertain the numbers interested in a girls’ boarding school operated by the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas, we are asking families who would benefit from such a project to fill out the interest form below. This will help us determine our course of action over the next year. Please share this page with friends and family!

  • googlePlaces

Main Campus

K-8, Girls' High School: 

1000 Spring Lake Highway

Brooksville, FL 34602, USA

Boys' High School: 

20120 Barnett Rd

Brooksville, FL 34601, USA

Satellite Campus: 12252 N 111th Ave

Youngtown, AZ 85363, USA


Satellite Campus: 1624 Rice Ave

Turlock, CA 95382, USA


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